Life Beyond Sight
Seeing Through Music
A Songwriting Workshop
Students at the Maryland School for the Blind, as well as blind students from other area high schools, were invited to take part in a workshop designed to encourage their self-advocacy - to help them express their needs to the sighted world. Song-writing was selected as the means to that end. The project started with one song-writing session provided by TAFFYpresents, a subsidiary of Theatre Arts Festival for Youth, a 501(c)(3) charity. TAFFY sent Valerie Smalkin, a Maryland State Arts Council award-winning artist, to conduct one such workshop. The results of that workshop were so stunning that an anonymous donor immediately offered to pay for 4 additional workshops and to help produce a CD of the songs. From this beginning musicians, engineers, artists, and performers across the country have donated their time, talent, and treasure to see that the words of these students reach as wide an audience as possible.
Life Beyond Sight is a collection of powerful songs that will make you listen close and sing out loud. From the moving and powerful “Not With My Eyes” to the joyous chorus of “Dance of Freedom,” these are songs that don’t merely “ring true,” they speak – no they SHOUT – with a clarity and honesty that is impactful in a whole new way. These are wonderful, empowering songs, for sure, but be prepared to feel a little uncomfortable at times. There’s a courageous honesty from both the songs and the singers that helps them share their unique experience in ways that we all can relate to. Most of us can only imagine what it’s like to not be able to see -- but each of us knows what it’s like to feel unseen in some way.
Kenny Curtis, Program Host
SiriusXM’s Kids Place Live
Life Beyond Sight is a collection of powerful songs that will make you listen close and sing out loud. From the moving and powerful “Not With My Eyes” to the joyous chorus of “Dance of Freedom,” these are songs that don’t merely “ring true,” they speak – no they SHOUT – with a clarity and honesty that is impactful in a whole new way. These are wonderful, empowering songs, for sure, but be prepared to feel a little uncomfortable at times. There’s a courageous honesty from both the songs and the singers that helps them share their unique experience in ways that we all can relate to. Most of us can only imagine what it’s like to not be able to see -- but each of us knows what it’s like to feel unseen in some way.
John Wood
Insightful, deeply moving, musical treasures from the heart!
Barbara Silberg
West Los Angeles Children's Choir Director
I just listened to Life Beyond Sight! WOW!!! Where to begin?
The production of that CD is nothing short of 'heaven-sent'. The care that went into the mixing and mastering of the songs was completely and terrifically professional. Everything was of the highest quality; even the packaging was sensational! I am completely flattered that you included us in the mix.
Additional Reviews
PhilsPicks - ‘Life Beyond Sight’ Is Sure To Have A Good Life Among Audiences